Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Look what arrived today!

Look what arrived today!, originally uploaded by uk_cenobite.

I got very excited, the box was the kit with the 580ex speedlite, sadly it was just the box lol.

Still my 40d is here and the battery is charging right now!

Monday, 26 May 2008

Wave crash at Rest Bay

Wave crash at Rest BayAnother shot from Saturday, wave crashing over rocks.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Very belated day 29 - Rest Bay, Wales

Another shot from the same shoot, seems to be the one everyone prefers. :)

Rest Bay, South Wales

Rest Bay, South Wales, originally uploaded by uk_cenobite.

Had a great day Saturday, drove down to Wales with a friend. With the intention of getting some sunset pics.

I figured west coast = sunset (Im no good at morning and the east coast is too far). The sky was bland and hazy all day, but sunset didnt let me down :)


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.